A PENSIONER facing allegations of sexual misconduct has gone on trial at Southampton Crown Court.

David Seagrave is accused of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, sexual assault, and repeatedly exposing himself.

Seagrave, 83, of Witts Hill, Southampton, is facing a total of eight charges relating to incidents alleged to have occurred between 2019 and 2021.

READ MORE: Spike in sexual offences as crime hits all time high

Tim Moores, prosecuting, said Seagrave repeatedly performed a sex act in his garden shed after leaving the door open, which meant he was visible to other people living in the area.

Seagrave also exposed himself in a Southampton pub, the court heard.

Mr Moores referred to allegations made by a young boy. After being arrested, he said, the defendant denied touching the boy's bottom, claiming all he did was kiss him on the face. Seagrave also accused one of the other complainants of being an "evil woman".

The defendant denies the allegations and the trial continues.