THEY might both share a bushy tail, but this Southampton cat wasn’t willing to share its home range when a squirrel came calling for one of its five a day.

Sam Hallows, who lives in Redhill Drive, captured video footage of the unlikely four-legged encounter on her balcony.

Having left a bowl of nuts, grain, and fruit out for the local wildlife, Sam’s camera recorded a squirrel taking advantage of the free food, completely unaware it was being watched.

Seconds later the squirrel can be seen to panic as a furry friend leaps into view.

The two lock eyes with each other, frozen in disbelief, in something resembling a Mexican standoff.

The four-minute video goes on to show the pair play ‘cat and mouse’ with each other as the squirrel tries to grab as much food as possible while being chased by the cat.

The video ends with the squirrel leaping out of shot as its wide-eyed counterpart knocks over the camera.

  • If you have any funny videos of your pets you'd like to share with us, email