DRUG smugglers, fraudsters and dangerous drivers are just some of the offences people have been sentenced for this month. 

Hundreds have passed through the county's courts throughout April. 

Among them are stalkers, drunk parents and paedophiles. 

Below is a round-up of those sentenced in and around Southampton in the past four weeks.

You can find our previous round-up here

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Daily Echo: Aubrey Rogers outside Southampton Crown Court 21/4/2023.Aubrey Rogers outside Southampton Crown Court 21/4/2023. (Image: Newsquest)

Aubrey Rogers

Rogers, 39, was caught trying to get a job in the care sector despite being banned from the profession.

Rogers, of Adelaide Road, Southampton, was previously convicted of stealing cards from service users. 

A court heard how he had used money taken from the stolen cards to pay court costs, a health and safety course, alcohol and pizza.

Read more here.

Daily Echo: Stephen Jennings outside Southampton Crown Court. Stephen Jennings outside Southampton Crown Court. (Image: Newsquest)

Stephen Jennings

Lorry driver, Jennings, was arrested after he was found to be almost three times over the drink-drive limit. 

A court was told how the 68-year-old's articulated lorry could be seen weaving five or six times with other drivers fearing it was out of control. 

Jennings continued along the M3 before joining the M27 and later struck a car from behind.

A bottle of vodka, three-quarters empty, was later found in his cab.

Read more here.

Daily Echo: Lee Barnes outside Southampton Magistrates' Court.Lee Barnes outside Southampton Magistrates' Court. (Image: NQ)

Lee Barnes

A court heard how Barnes, 34, got so drunk on his way to St Mary's that police were forced to ask stadium staff to look after his sobbing six-year-old daughter. 

CCTV caught him singing, shouting and hurling abuse while on his way to the Saints V Arsenal game on October 23. 

Onlookers said he appeared "unsteady on his feet", at one point even walking in front of a moving car with his daughter. 

Read more here.

Daily Echo: Michael Stimson, 40, of Hythe.Michael Stimson, 40, of Hythe. (Image: Supplied)

Michael Stimson

Stalker Stimson made 560 calls to his victim in 36 hours leaving her feeling "utterly broken" and suicidal. 

The 40-year-old, of Ladycross, Hythe, had already been jailed for 21 months for terrorising a previous girlfriend. 

His most recent victim, also a former partner, said she became terrified of him and began to shake if she feared another row was imminent. 

Read more here.

Daily Echo: Flowers after fatal stabbing outside Royal British Legion Club in Lymington.Flowers after fatal stabbing outside Royal British Legion Club in Lymington. (Image: Newsquest)

Draven Jewell

Jewell, 22, was sentenced over the fatal stabbing of 23-year-old father-of-one Max Maguire in Lymington. 

A court heard how Max, a fisherman, had been at the Royal British Legion Club when a fight broke out in the alleyway next to the entrance. 

Jewell, who has autism, had armed himself with a Huusk kitchen knife and stabbed Max in the chest. 

He then fled with his two brothers and returned home where he was arrested in the early hours of the next day.

Read more here.

Daily Echo: Cocaine found on Glynn Davies after he was stopped at Gatwick Airport.Cocaine found on Glynn Davies after he was stopped at Gatwick Airport. (Image: National Crime Agency.)

Lee Hollister, Glynn Davies, Sheena Spedding

This Hampshire trio were found to be behind a year-long drug smuggling conspiracy which ended when one was caught bringing cocaine from Peru. 

An investigation by the National Crime Agency found that 44-year-old Glynn Davies from Lymington had been working with his girlfriend and business partner to sneak drugs into the UK. 

He made multiple trips to South America in 2017 and 2018 and was stopped by Border Force officers at Gatwick Airport. 

Two foil-wrapped packages were found inside his jeans, both containing a combined one kilo of high-purity cocaine with a street value of around £80,000.

Read more here.

Derek Gordon McInnes

Paedophile, McInnes, was found with thousands of images of children when police raided his home in Luccombe Road, Southampton.

More than 62,000 indecent images of babies and pre-teenage children were found on three devices, a court heard. 

Of these images, 5,586 were Category A - the most serious - while 6,256 were Category B and 51,080 were Category C.

Read more here.