MORE than 2,000 patients waited more than 28 days to see a GP in Southampton in February.

Data from NHS Digital has revealed the number of days between booking an appointment and seeing a GP at surgeries across the city.

It revealed that 2,218 people had to wait more than 28 days to see a GP between February 1 and February 28.

The highest number of patients waiting longer than 28 days for an appointment were those at Solent GP Surgery, which runs sites in Millbrook, Nicholstown, and Portswood.

A total of 249 patients waited more than four weeks, with a further 334 waiting between 22 and 28 days.

Despite this, 4,958 patients got an appointment on the same day - the equivalent of 51 per cent of all appointments offered.

READ MORE: The GP surgeries offering the most and fewest face-to-face appointments

Solent has revealed that 599 patients missed a booked appointment.

That's 6.2 per cent of its capacity and clinical time that could have been offered to other patients.

Dan Baylis, chief medical officer at Solent NHS Trust, said: "Ensuring that every service user receives great care in a timely way is a key priority for Solent NHS Trust. Patients’ needs are always carefully triaged and prioritised by medical professionals.

"In general, those waiting longer for a face-to-face appointment will have been booked with a specific person or specialist clinic which necessitates waiting, although it is a very small proportion of appointments offered.

"In cases where people’s needs become more urgent, rapid assessments are available on the same day. We remain committed to delivering high quality, personalised care for everyone in our communities."

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West End Road Surgery was the only Southampton surgery where no patients had to wait longer than 28 days for an appointment - and just three people had to wait between 22 and 28 days.

A total of 3,325 people were seen on the same day, and a further 433 were seen the next day.

At Living Well Partnership, which runs surgeries in Bitterne Park, Weston Lane, and Harefield, 10,931 people got their appointment on the same day.