A MAN left a police officer struggling to breathe after punching him and placing his arm on his neck during a violent attack in the early hours.

William McKinley knocked PC Walsh to the ground after he tried to arrest him in Crestwood View, Eastleigh, a court heard.

Two officers had been called to the area after an argument broke out between McKinley, 32, and his former partner. 

But after being found crouched down between two cars, McKinley lashed out, grabbing PC Walsh by his vest and hauling him to the ground. 

Prosecuting, Charles Gabb told Southampton Crown Court how he had punched the officer multiple times before getting on top of him and placing his forearm on his neck. 

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Despite shouts for him to stop because he couldn't breathe, the attack continued and was only stopped when other officers arrived. 

McKinley was arrested and taken into custody. 

He later pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting an emergency worker in relation to PC Walsh and his colleague who repeatedly tried to detain him during the incident. 

Despite being threatened, she escaped without injury. 

PC Walsh was taken to hospital with swelling and bruising to his forehead and a cut to his thumb.

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In a statement read out in court, he said he "didn't think the officers would get to [him] in time" adding that the level of violence was "unlike anything he had ever encountered".

"This incident will certainly make me more cautious about approaching suspects and dealing with conflict."

Mr Gabb said officers attempted to arrest McKinley because they suspected he had given a false name. 

He added that the defendant had been drinking that day and had broken a TV and his ex's phone before police were called.

Mitigating, Gaylene Coles said this was the first occasion that her client had been so violent towards police officers. 

She added that he is addicted to crack cocaine and had a difficult upbringing.

"Both his brothers are spending significant periods of time in prison, as is his father.

"Mr McKinley never really stood a chance to begin with," she said.

McKinley, of Devon Drive, Chandler's Ford, has 40 convictions for 66 offences. 

He was jailed for nine months. 

The judge, Recorder Marcus Pilgerstorfer KC, said he is of "high risk of reconviction" adding that a period of custody "will have the benefit of facilitating a detox".