RESIDENTS have hit out at fresh plans to erect an "eyesore" 5G mast which were rejected less than a year ago.

Phone company Three has submitted a new planning application after proposals to fit a 16-metre pole in Wodehouse Road were rejected by the city council.

This was because the mast was considered to be a "visually dominant and intrusive structure" which would have "a significant adverse impact" on the visual quality of the street scene.

In its new plans, the company says the pole will be one metre shorter and will look slightly different.

However, some residents are still not impressed.

READ MORE: Southampton resident hits out at plan for 5G mast outside home

Daily Echo: Sonny Jarvis, one of the residents against the plans, spoke out against the first planning application last JuneSonny Jarvis, one of the residents against the plans, spoke out against the first planning application last June (Image: Newsquest)

'Unpleasant to look at'

On the planning portal, one person said: "It is a shame that despite the successful rejection of the previous application, the applicants are trying to make a mockery of the fair and transparent process by deviously resubmitting this with the minor adjustment of a reduction in height of just six per cent. 

"Clearly, they have no regard for the concerns articulated by so many residents previously. 

"I strongly object to this application as the tower would encroach on the local residents' peaceful enjoyment of their home as it would be very unpleasant to look at and not at all in keeping with a residential area housing many families. 

"Additionally, it is likely to generate additional noise, albeit low, and it is unproven whether there are safety and health concerns, which is a risk when so many children live nearby." 

Daily Echo: New plans submitted by Three for a 5G mast in SouthamptonNew plans submitted by Three for a 5G mast in Southampton (Image: Three)

'Failing to blend in'

Another person said: "I am disgusted that this application has even been submitted less than a year later with very minor changes.

"The design and appearance of this intrusive structure would have a detrimental impact on this predominantly residential area, failing to blend in.

"The tower, even with the minor changes, would still cause significant overshadowing on my property and many other adjacent properties.

"I strongly urge them to find a suitable location not directly in the middle of a residential area; I and other residents will only continue to reject their application as many times as they wish to submit it.

"We do not want this monstrosity in the view of our homes." 

So far, 12 residents have made formal objections to the proposed mast. 

READ MORE: Victory for residents as plans for ‘monstrosity’ 5G mast are refused

A spokesperson for Three UK said: "5G rollout is vital for residents and businesses in Southampton. We want to offer the community a reliable network experience, and this site will be critical to making that happen.

"Masts need to be situated where people will be using the service and, in many cases, in precise locations to ensure the widest breadth of coverage. We carry out extensive searches and evaluate a wide range of options before submitting any planning applications.

"This application differs from the previous application in that the height has been reduced by 1m, the design has been changed to a slimmer phase 9 pole, and one of the cabinets has been removed. 

"The location has also been moved slightly to minimise the visual impact from nearby properties."