POLICE have used special powers to deal with an unauthorised encampment that resulted in three pubs closing.

Travellers occupying a recreation ground at Nobes Avenue, Bridgemary, have been moved on under Section 61 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

Under Section 61 police can order people to leave a site, taking their vehicles and property with them.

After the travellers pitched up Gosport councillor Steve Hammond said three pubs - the Green Dragon, the White Horse and the Carisbrooke Arm - closed because of trouble in the area.

The travellers left the site on Sunday evening.

READ MORE: Three pubs close as travellers move on to recreation ground at Gosport

A Hampshire police spokesperson said: "Following a review of the circumstances surrounding the encampment, police utilised these powers. The group have now left the site.

"Hampshire Constabulary will always ensure we balance the needs and rights of all our communities with actions that are proportionate, lawful and necessary.

"We work closely with landowners and our partners to ensure that a robust approach is taken against unauthorised encampments within legal parameters.

"Our partnership work also seeks to identify repeat locations where there has been criminality or disorder in order to target and harden these sites.

"We will now work with the local authority on any follow-up work required at this location."