A SOUTHAMPTON club dedicated to the art of floral arrangements is set to celebrate an exciting milestone.

Southampton Flower Club is due to mark its 70th anniversary next week.

The club opened its doors in 1953 under the name the Southampton Floral Decoration Society where the founding members had a goal to promote the art of flower arranging.

The aim of the founders was to "encourage and stimulate interest and enthusiasm in the art of floral decoration", which is something that the group follows to this day.

Members are set to meet on Thursday, June 22, for an afternoon tea and will be joined by Lord Mayor Cllr Valerie Laurent.

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At the club’s highest point, they had a total of 150 members.

Now there are just 30 members now, but that has not stopped the group from getting together due to their love of the art.

Member Hazel Roberts said: “I don’t have a lot of the records but I know it was Alice Ansell who started it with four others.

“It’s now £40 a year which is a lot more than the five shillings back then.”

Daily Echo: Southampton Flower Club. Southampton Flower Club. (Image: Southampton Flower Club)

She added: “In 1976, there was a really long drought and the councillor ordered a fayre, that was the day that it absolutely poured!

“I’m the longest member who still attends. We had a visit to Prince Charles’ garden at Highgrove.

“We decorated Marwell Hall for Princess Anne.

“It’s a big part of my life, I very rarely miss my meetings. It’s such a lovely hobby and you make really good friends.”

Throughout its 70 years, the club has been involved in demonstrations, workshops and competitions.

They have competed in the Chelsea Flower Show, where the club won Gold in 1979 and Silver in 1972, 1976 and 1980.

Members have also helped to decorate Romsey Abbey, Winchester Cathedral, Portsmouth Cathedral and Salisbury Cathedral.