A BUS driver went to hospital after being injured when his vehicle was pelted with stones in a midnight attack.

A No9 Bluestar vehicle was travelling through Marchwood when two of its windows were smashed, including the one next to the driver.

Three passengers on the Totton-bound bus were sitting on the other side of the vehicle and escaped injury.

READ MORE: Bluestar bus damaged by stone-throwing hooligans in Southampton

Bluestar's general manager, Richard Tyldsley, said the vehicle was hit by two or three stones thrown in quick succession.

He added: "Although not seriously injured, our driver later attended hospital as a precautionary measure, with some swelling around his eye.

"The safety of our drivers and passengers is paramount, and we are carrying out an urgent investigation into the incident.

"These actions are highly dangerous, and we are working with police to identify those responsible.

"We will seek to prosecute anyone found to be responsible for this mindless act of vandalism."

It happened in Main Road, Marchwood, on June 12 at 11.52pm.

The incident was condemned by Hampshire county councillor David Harrison, who represents the Totton and Marchwood area.

He said: "It's unusual for an incident like this to happen in the New Forest district.

"Needless to say, it is a highly irresponsible and dangerous act that can have serious consequences, both to the driver, passengers, and other road users.

"I hope the offender is identified and prosecuted. All good wishes to the driver."

READ MORE: Four Bluestar buses put out of action by vandals in Millbrook

A former bus driver told the Daily Echo: "If an evening service is disrupted in this manner, there's no standby bus and driver available.

"That service is lost, and if the driver is injured and unable to continue so too are all the subsequent trips unless by some miracle there is actually an evening supervisor prepared to do it."

In January 2021 several Bluestar vehicles were taken out of service after they were damaged by stone-throwing vandals in the Millbrook area.

Speaking at the time Mr Tyldsley described the incident as "utterly disgraceful".

He said: "Four of our buses, all of which were carrying keyworkers, were attacked, causing damage and delays to our services.

"I urge parents in the area to ask their children where they were and what they were doing.

"These criminal acts have disrupted travel for those carrying out vital work on behalf of our community."

Another incident occurred in Southampton later in the year when a Bluestar bus was attacked by vandals at the junction of Borrowdale Road and Windermere Avenue.