PLANS to open a drive-thru cafe in the centre of Totton have been unveiled.

London Metric Property has submitted proposals to transform part of Totton Retail Park by converting an end-of-terrace unit currently occupied by the Jollyes pet food store.

The retail park used to comprise four shops set back from the road, with a customer car park at the front.

Daily Echo: Plans to turn a Jollyes pet food store at Totton Retail Park into a drive-thru coffee shop have been unveiledPlans to turn a Jollyes pet food store at Totton Retail Park into a drive-thru coffee shop have been unveiled (Image: Newsquest)

As reported in the Daily Echo, two of the units were amalgamated last year to enable a Lidl supermarket to expand into neighbouring premises.

The latest planning application seeks consent for external alterations to the rest of the terrace, plus changes to the car park and the creation of a drive-thru coffee shop.

READ MORE: Totton branch of Lidl set to expand into neighbouring store

The drive-thru lane would operate in an anticlockwise direction, with raised kerbs and paving defining its limits.

The application says: "This area of the car park is currently used as a 'hammerhead' turning area to allow HGVs to pull in and reverse back into the north service area.

"The proposed layout will remove this hammerhead, allowing HGVs to drive into the service area in forward gear, turn and drive out in forward gear.

"The existing service area will be modified to allow the vehicles to complete this manoeuvre.

"This revised arrangement will greatly improve safety on the site as HGV’s can enter and leave the service area in forward gear negating the need to reverse across a public space."

Daily Echo: Plans to turn a Jollyes pet food store at Totton Retail Park into a drive-thru coffee shop have been unveiledPlans to turn a Jollyes pet food store at Totton Retail Park into a drive-thru coffee shop have been unveiled (Image: Newsquest.)

The layout of the car park would remain as it is.

But new directional arrows would be painted on the surface to direct traffic in a one-way, anti-clockwise route around the parking area to avoid conflict at the drive-thru entrance.

READ MORE: Objectors criticise plans for drive-thru Starbucks at Calmore Industrial Estate

The scheme has come under fire from the town council, which is calling for the application to be rejected.

Its letter to New Forest District Council says: "This isn't an ideal setting for a drive-thru.

"The main areas of concern would be the increase in traffic movements and potential traffic queues, safety of pedestrians accessing the car park and potential impact on nearby residents in terms of noise and pollution."

A woman living at Mill Road, Totton, has also lodged an objection.

Her letter says: "This will cause more noise, more traffic on already congested roads, and environmental damage with car engines running."

Another objector says existing traffic issues in the area will be made worse if the scheme is given the go-ahead.