A teenager riding a stolen motorbike has been handed a nine-year sentence for killing a 14-year-old boy in a crash in Southampton.

Layton Cashmore died following the 80mph crash on Hill Lane in July last year. He was the pillion passenger on the bike when it crashed into a car.

The 17-year-old rider, who cannot be named because of his age, has been jailed for six years with a three-year extended licence.

The Daily Echo requested no reporting restrictions should be made under section 45 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 with regards to the defendant's name.

But this request was declined by Judge Christopher Parker. 

In a victim statement read out in court, Layton's mother Ayesha Fernandez said: "Layton was my whole life.

"I have lost my motivation and the dreams I have for me and my son.

"I question whether this feeling will go away, if I will ever be happy again.

"I fed Layton, clothed him, and protected him. I grieve for the life he will never have." 

Judge Parker described his killer as a ‘dangerous offender’ with a ‘disregard’ for the safety and wellbeing of anyone else.

READ MORE: Tributes as Layton Cashmore, 14, dies in crash

Addressing the teenager at his sentencing at Southampton Crown Court, he said: “You had been careering down Hill Lane at an estimate of 80mph.

“Layton Cashmore, a child, was on the back of the motorcycle you were driving.

“He had no helmet, but it probably would have made no difference as to whether he would survive as you were not able to control the machine.

“Layton was propelled over the top of the car (that was crashed into) and he suffered catastrophic injuries and subsequently died.

“You have an unrestricted wilful urge to take other people’s motor vehicles and drive them dangerously in circumstances where somebody is bound to be killed again if you carry on.”

Layton from Hedge End was killed in the incident on Hill Lane at its junction with Warwick Road on July 18, 2022.

He had been a pillion passenger on a Suzuki motorbike which was involved in the crash with a VW Golf at around 5.18pm.

The 17-year-old defendant previously admitted death by dangerous driving.

Police Sergeant Jonathan Bates, of the Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “This devastating collision took the life of a young boy who had his whole life ahead of him.

“The rider showed a complete disregard for his own life and the life of his passenger, who he knew was not wearing a helmet.

“Despite this, he performed dangerous stunts at high speeds and caused this fatal collision.

“I would ask people to think about Layton’s family before commenting on any social media posts about this incident.”