A man threatened a group of teenagers with a knife before spitting at a police officer who was trying to arrest him.

Scott Smith was seen “screaming and shouting” in the street before starting an argument with a group of boys and girls on New Milton High Street.

He pulled out a flip-out pocketknife from his jeans and held it at one of the boys before turning at one of the girls who had her e-scooter with her.

He began slashing at the handlebars before holding the knife to her.

The 25-year-old then walked off, threatening a woman who was in a nearby car.

When one of the victim’s parents arrived he threatened to “cut [the dad] up”.

Daily Echo: Scott Smith outside Southampton Crown CourtScott Smith outside Southampton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

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The incident took place on the evening of November 10, 2021 with Smith being arrested at around 2am the following day.

Officers noted that he was “very intoxicated” and whilst officers tried to put him in handcuffs, he was kicking out at them.

He went on to spit at one of the officers before being questioned, denying all of the offences.

Smith pleaded not guilty to affray, possession of a bladed article, assault of an emergency worker and criminal damage.

He later changed his plea to guilty on the day of trial.

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Prosecuting, Steven Spence told Southampton Crown Court on Monday that although nobody had been hurt, “serious alarm or distress was caused”.

He added that the spit at the officer had been a “deliberate act” as Smith had been heard “bringing up phlegm” beforehand.

Mitigating, Steven Tricker said his client hasn’t offended ever since and has held down a job for over two years now.

He asked the judge to suspend the sentence, adding that Smith has now reduced his alcohol consumption to “sensible levels”.

Smith, of Linnet Court, New Milton has previous convictions for robbery, theft, burglary, criminal damage, drug possession and assault of an emergency worker.

He was given a 78-week prison sentence suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.

He was also given a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement and must pay £200 compensation to the police officer.