SOUTHAMPTON Youth Orchestra is set to perform the Queen Symphony.

The orchestra is coming together with local musicians to perform Tolga Kashif’s epic Queen Symphony – a large-scale symphonic reimagining of some of rock legends Queen’s greatest hits – on Saturday, July 15, at Southampton Guildhall.

The symphony was composed in 2002 and first performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra the same year. Its six movements take inspiration from songs such as ‘Love of my Life’, ‘We Will Rock You’, ‘The Show Must Go On’ and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’.

This exciting work is rarely performed and has only received five UK performances since 2017, making this is a great opportunity to hear it performed by some of Southampton's young musicians. 

As well as over 50 of Southampton’s finest young musicians from Southampton Music Hub’s many ensembles, the Guildhall stage will be filled with representatives from local ensembles including City of Southampton Orchestra, Southampton Concert Orchestra, and Southampton University Symphony Orchestra, as over 200 Hampshire-based musicians will take to the stage.

READ MORE: Southampton virtual orchestra proving a huge global hit

Councillor Alexander Winning, Cabinet Member for Children and Learning said: “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see this major piece of classical music performed by the Southampton Youth Orchestra.

“The fact that we can host it shows the depth and diversity of talent we have here in Southampton. We are bidding to be a music hub lead organisation, helping to deliver the refreshed National Plan for Music Education and this concert is just one indicator why we are the natural first choice.”

Kath Page, Southampton Music Services manager added: “We are so pleased to be able to bring this important piece of music to Southampton. It’s a true once in a lifetime opportunity to see this performed – and the fact that it will be young people on stage makes it extra special.”

The first half of the performance will feature Southampton Music Hub’s three Groove bands, directed by rock and pop specialists Oliver Thomas, Max Copsey and George Smith.

Groove Foundation, Groove Syndicate and Groove Merchant will warm the audience up with some 70s and 80s favourites. The feature performance will take place in the second, where Southampton Youth Orchestra undertake one of the largest symphonic events in Southampton’s cultural history, under the baton of Musical Director Kevin Withell.