Plans for a 17m 5G mast have been scrapped after objections from residents and councillors.

Southampton City Council has refused the plans lodged by Hutchinson 3G UK in May to put the pylon in Redbridge Hill.

The mast and associated cabinets would have been installed on a patch of grass between the main road and the lane used by residents to park.

READ MORE: Plans lodged for new 5G mast in Redbridge Hill, Millbrook

The proposals attracted some criticism with one resident arguing there would be other spaces where the mast would not dominate the appearance of the area.

Pete Boustred, Head of Transport and Planning, said the plans would "result in a visually dominant and intrusive structure" within the area.

He also said that "it cannot be determined that the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on trees adjacent to the location of the proposed mast and ground cabinets".

Millbrook ward councillor Jeremy Moulton, who objected to the plans, said: “Having objected to this mast application back in May I am pleased to see it refused by the council.

"It would have impacted negatively on the view of the street.

"Better locations should be found for these phone masts and I would urge the council to engage proactively with the telecoms operators or find more suitable sites as far too many applications are coming forward which are damaging to the visual appearance of residential areas.”

Steven Galton, a fellow ward member, also objected to the plans. Residents have also opposed the plans on the city council portal.

One said: "As a residential close to the proposed site for this 5G mast, there are far better locations for it that will not dominate the appearance of the area or infringe on the houses and children that play on that grass verge.

"There are several sections further down Redbridge Hill between, Walnut Grove and Wimpson Lane or especially between Wimpson Lane and Borrowdale Road on the grass section that would be far more suitable for the installation of this mast."