A PROLIFIC shoplifter left a pensioner in extreme pain with a broken shoulder after barging into her in an attempt to evade police.

Jordan Bell had been sat outside Westquay in Southampton when police tried to arrest him, causing him to dart away from them.

A court heard how the 25-year-old took off, barging into a 70-year-old woman who was out shopping with her granddaughter.

Prosecuting, Keely Harvey said the woman fell to the ground, hitting her elbow and shoulder on the concrete.

She later said she was in “immense pain” and was taken to hospital where an x-ray revealed she had a broken humorous.

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In a victim statement read out in court, she said: “I have never experienced pain like the pain I am currently in.

“I did not expect this when I was out doing my Christmas shopping with my family. I can’t even change my own shirt.

“I just feel like my whole life is on hold because I was in the wrong place.”

Bell of Christchurch Road, Winchester was arrested and charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm.

He was also charged with 12 counts of theft from a shop after a shoplifting spree that saw him take more than £700 worth of stock from Boots, Co-Op and Sainsbury’s in Winchester.

Among the items taken were gift sets, chocolate, and spirits, leading to him being banned from the centre of Winchester.

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Bell, who has 52 convictions for 114 offences, has been in custody since the incident outside Westquay on December 21 last year.

Mitigating, Audrey Archer told Southampton Crown Court that her client has made the most of his time in custody and has a “determination to turn things around”.

She added that he had “no intention or idea that he would cause the injury that he did” and that his life had “spiralled out of control”.

But Judge Brian Forster KC said it was a “shocking offence” and a “moment of madness”.

Bell, who pleaded guilty to the charges against him, was jailed for 16 months on Thursday.

He was also banned from entering Boots.