CALLS have been made for the leader of Southampton City Council to resign over the state of the authority's finances. 

A motion being tabled today at a full council meeting by the Tory opposition says the council is facing its "worst financial crisis in its history". 

Raised by Councillor Daniel Fitzhenry, the motion calls for the resignation of Labour leader Satvir Kaur who is facing a struggle to make £20m of savings this year alone.

It calls for the resignation of Cllr Steven Leggett as cabinet member for finance - but he has already been replaced on Tuesday by former council leader Simon Letts. 

READ MORE: Southampton: Former leader set to take charge of authority's finances

The motion said: "Southampton Council is facing the worst financial crisis in its history.

"Labour, led by Cllr Kaur and the Cabinet Member for Finance Cllr Leggett has brought corporate bankruptcy to be a real possibility for our city inflicting a huge negative impact on our city’s residents and businesses for years to come.

"As such, it is this council’s belief that in these dire circumstances, both Cllr Kaur and Cllr Leggett should both resign immediately and allow some other persons with greater financial acumen and a solid plan to take over and lead the city through this very difficult and sad period."

However, the abour party has called the motion tabled by the Tory "cheap gutter politics".

A spokesperson for the Labour party said: "This is nothing more than cheap gutter politics, from a desperate diminished local Conservative opposition, who are trying to blame everyone and everything else, other than their own financially incompetent political party who are the real reason behind the council’s current financial hardship.

"The Labour administration, but more importantly the people of our great city have full confidence in Cllr Kaur and her leadership, proven by the incredible Labour victory she helped deliver in the recent local election.

"She has met head-on the difficult challenges ahead, been proactive, brought in expertise internally and externally, and is working with us as a team to ensure we are laser-focused on delivering the plan contained in the Medium Term Financial Strategy together.

"This robust recovery plan, which Cllr Kaur has been part of developing, is supported by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, our auditors, and advisors in Government.

"I think the residents of Southampton would prefer to take their assurance from experts in local government finance rather than a desperate, financially dangerous, tiny and insignificant Conservative Group.”

The motion comes as the council considers plans to cover a £20.9m shortfall in this year's budget. 

The council's cabinet is due to meet today followed by a full council meeting.