The "heartbroken" family of a dad-of-two who suddenly died last month hoped to "make him proud" during his funeral yesterday.

Friends and relatives turned out to say their last goodbye to Darren Moger who was found dead in his flat on Ridding Close in Shirley.

Arriving at Hollybrook Cemetery on Wednesday, dozens stood outside the chapel as Darren's family and casket arrived just before 1pm.

Floral displays spelling 'Brother', 'Dad' and 'Son' could be seen inside the hearse.

Friends of Darren carried the purple casket inside the chapel.

Daily Echo: The procession arriving at Hollybrook Cemetery for Darren's funeral

The 41-year-old lived with his 84-year-old grandad.

His body was found on July 15 by a neighbour.

An autopsy revealed the cause of death was heart failure as a result of heart disease.

Shocked by Darren's sudden death, his family set up a Justgiving page to raise £5,000 for Darren’s funeral.

It raised just over £3,500.

Daily Echo: The purple casket being carried by friends of Darren into the chapel

READ MORE: Dad of two's sudden death leaves 'grey dark cloud' over distraught family

In a statement, the family said: “Our hearts are broken today, but it’s lovely to have all of Darren’s family and friends together to celebrate his life.

“We all miss him so much, but we hope we’ve done him proud. We would like to thank everyone who donated to the fund, and although we didn’t reach the target, we’re so grateful that what we received has enabled us to give him the send-off he deserves.”

Speaking to the Echo last month, Darren’s youngest sister battled her emotions when remembering the moment she was told of her brother’s death.

She said: "I couldn't believe it when I got the call, it just didn't make any sense."

She ran to see her brother and held his lifeless hand one last time.

She added: "I just want my brother back but I know I will never be able to see him again."

His daughter Rhianna Moger, whom he shared a love for wrestling with, described her dad as ‘unique’.

She said: "Dad was crazy but in a good way. When I was little, he and I would go to the supermarket, and he would skip around the shop. People would look but he didn’t care."