The next phase of the controversial Portswood Broadway plans have been revealed – but are you in favour?

A second consultation on the plans to partly pedestrianise the Broadway has been launched.

This follows the initial consultation conducted by Southampton City Council in November.

The plans have faced fierce opposition from business owners and residents, but many are also in favour of the plans.

Two drop-in sessions will also be held outside Trago Lounge on Portswood Road on September 6 and September 11, both running from 4pm to 7pm.

People will have the opportunity to ask questions about the proposals.

'Create enjoyable places'

Councillor Eamonn Keogh, cabinet member for transport and environment, said: “Our focus is on the future, which is why we want to reignite the character of our district centres and create high streets that are enjoyable places where businesses and the local community can thrive.

"It is great to have secured this investment from government into our city, and we want to collaborate with local residents and businesses, to ensure it is being maximised to improve the area as well as address the challenges many highstreetses, including Portswood, have been experiencing over many years.

“I would urge people to come and see us at the drop-in events and to fill in the survey to share your thoughts; the survey will ultimately help inform the overall decision on the scheme.”

What happens next?

The council says it's keen to address initial concerns raised in the first consultation.

This includes the impact the scheme will have on surrounding roads.

To assess this, additional traffic modelling and counts were commissioned in April and it is also proposed that an Active Travel Zone be introduced in the Highfield area.

Several concerns were raised about the impact on businesses along the Broadway, so in turn, an independent Economic Impact Assessment has been commissioned.

This will focus on the potential effects and advice for businesses on how to benefit from the scheme if it is approved.

Daily Echo: Proposed view of Portswood Broadway Proposed view of Portswood Broadway (Image: Southampton City Council)

The assessment has forecast a five per cent uplift in trade in the area once the scheme is completed. 

The scheme will generate around £8 for every £1 of investment, according to the council. 

Another point of discussion was access for people with mobility issues.

The council has reassured people that this ‘will be maintained’, as access to all car parks will be available, while parking for those with disabilities will increase.

Existing access to Westridge Road Car park will also be improved.

According to the council, existing congestion through the Broadway is causing delays across the area for those wanting to use public transport.

It is hoped the scheme will improve this.

The proposals would mean that significant levels of traffic would shift away from Portswood Broadway and on to Thomas Lewis way.  

The improvements to A335 Thomas Lewis Way focus on its key junctions, with signal technology being upgraded, pinch points being removed and crossing facilities being upgraded at its junction with St Denys Road.

After most of these works are completed, the council has seen an improvement in journey times along the corridor.

The council is currently investigating the phased introduction of the bus gate should the proposals move forward.

Temporary additional paving would be installed along the Broadway to provide the extra pedestrian space craeted thanks to the bus gate. 

This is funded by central Government for transport improvements, with Portswood high street being identified as a key area for this investment.

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