HUNDREDS of employees at Fawley refinery are set to receive bonus payments in a deal a union is linking to a series of strikes.

Unite says it has reached a settlement that ensures all construction staff at the huge site will be paid an additional £1.63 an hour from September 1.

A Unite spokesperson said more than 300 members covered by a national agreement involving the engineering construction industry would benefit from the extra payment.

They added that the bonus was agreed following a series of strikes by Unite and the GMB union last year.

Daily Echo: A deal secured by the union Unite will see hundreds of workers receive an hourly bonus of £1.63A deal secured by the union Unite will see hundreds of workers receive an hourly bonus of £1.63 (Image: ExxonMobil)

More than 100 workers covered by a separate agreement would also receive the bonus "to maintain harmony and prevent division" at the refinery.

"In addition, a further eight workers who are not part of either agreement will get the payment."

READ MORE: Protesters halt traffic on A326 at Hardley on first day of strike action at Fawley refinery

Unite's general secretary, Sharon Graham, added: "The bonus payment deal is an excellent example of how Unite's focus on jobs, pay, and conditions is having a direct financial benefit for our members."

The current agreement is for the bonus to be paid for four months - but Unite wants it to continue for longer.

Daily Echo: A deal secured by the union Unite will see hundreds of refinery workers receive an hourly bonus of £1.63A deal secured by the union Unite will see hundreds of refinery workers receive an hourly bonus of £1.63 (Image: Stephen Bath)

Regional officer Malcolm Bonnett said: "This deal would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Unite's reps and members at Fawley.

"Unite is determined to build on this deal and to continue to increase its industrial strength."

ExxonMobil, which runs the refinery, said: "We pro-actively offered a temporary bonus payment through existing recognise a period of increased activity onsite.

"We are pleased that over 300 contractors working in both civils and mechanical roles at Fawley are now benefiting from our enhanced payments."

ExxonMobil added: "The strike action had no bearing on, nor was it related to, the bonus payments made."

READ MORE: Fawley refinery workers due to walk out following collapse of pay talks - and strike could last a month

In November last year, police were called after scores of protesters marked the start of strike action at the refinery by blocking the road outside the huge complex.

Images showed activists standing in front of vehicles on the Hardley roundabout, which is next to the entrance used by tankers entering and leaving the refinery.

Daily Echo: A deal secured by the union Unite will see hundreds of refinery workers receive an hourly bonus of £1.63A deal secured by the union Unite will see hundreds of refinery workers receive an hourly bonus of £1.63 (Image: Stephen Bath)

People living in the area said the A326 came to a standstill.

Teachers were unable to reach the New Forest Academy, forcing it to postpone lessons until 11am. Students trying to get to Brockenhurst College by public transport were also among those delayed by the protest.

Police were called but no arrests were made.

The GMB had issued a statement warning that picket lines would result in "significant traffic congestion and disruption" in the Fawley area.

Speaking earlier this year GMB regional officer Bryan Hulley said: "I would like to apologise to local people who had their lives disrupted by our actions."