THE following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

TYLER COURTNEY, 32, of Landguard Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence. He also admitted to possessing a knife blade or sharp pointed article in public. He was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months. He was also given a 6-month alcohol treatment requirement, 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days and must pay £100 compensation. Courtney was ordered to pay court costs of £85. 

MARTIN RUSHBY, 34, of Coxford Drove, Southampton admitted a single count of assault by beating. He was given an 18-month conditional discharge and a restraining order to not contact his victim for the next three years. Rushby must also pay a £26 surcharge. 

Read our previous court round-up here

DANIEL DUELL, 33, of Silver Birches, Hamble pleaded guilty to drink driving on Salisbury Road, Totton. He was behind the wheel of a Ford Transit when he was caught with 51 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Duell was disqualified from driving for 14 months and fined £369. He must pay court costs of £85 plus a £148 surcharge. 

CHRISTOPHER CHEESE, 36, of Barrack Road, Christchurch pleaded guilty to common assault of an emergency worker in Southampton. He also admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress and racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress. Cheese was given a community order until February 28, 2025 with 30 days of rehabilitation activity requirement. He must pay compensation of £50 and a fine of £100.

JAVED MIAH, 34, of Lower Ashley Road, New Milton admitted exceeding a 30mph speed limit on Southampton Road, Lyndhurst. He was caught at 50mph while driving a Hyundai. Miah was fined £253 and given six penalty points. He must pay court costs of £110 and a £101 surcharge.