A 'PERSISTENT' stalker who went back to his old ways just days after walking free from court has now been jailed.

Jordan Couper, 31, was brought back to court after continuing his campaign of harassment against his former partner.

Couper received a restraining order in October, which he breached by bombarding his victim with calls.

He also turned up at her home, launching sticks and stones at the property.

On three other occasions he even managed to get inside.

Prosecuting, Roderick Blaine told Southampton Crown Court how Couper’s ex received dozens of calls in the two months following his sentencing.

Despite warnings that he wasn’t allowed to contact her, he continued.

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On November 10, the woman was driving out of her road in Nursling when Couper approached her and asked her “where do you think you are going then?”.

On December 27, the woman left for work, hiding a spare key to let a family member in.

When she returned later that evening, she noticed a wet patch on the floor.

Couper entered shortly afterwards and said he wanted to talk, before going upstairs and taking personal items from a drawer.

A victim personal statement from the woman, read out in court by Mr Blaine, said: “The defendant’s behaviour is out of control.

“He has no respect for the law, for me or the restraining order.

“He had let himself in my home with my spare key. Set himself up to come and go as he pleases.

“I just do not feel safe. What is it going to take. My life is nothing to do with him anymore.

“I should be free to do what I want to do without worrying.”

The couple were together for around seven years but separated in June 2022.

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Couper, of Bracken Road, North Baddesley pleaded guilty to harassment and breaching a restraining order and has been on remand since January.

Judge Peter Henry described his behaviour as “persistent and abusive controlling behaviour and entitled”.

His barrister, Ed Warren, said his client has “come to the conclusion - quite properly - that it was he and he alone that was responsible for what happened”.

“He does not seek to attach blame to the complainant. He is the person that has caused that harm.

“He has spent time inside doing what he can. He is extremely sorry for what has happened.

“He has recognised over the time that he spent in custody quite what effect this has had on his ex partner.”

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Judge Henry said: “It seems to me that this was quite a deliberate breach.

“I have no doubt that when you were standing in front of me on that occasion I made it abundantly clear to you about what was the position you were in.

“Within very few days, four days, you start on a campaign of breaching the order which is bad enough but behaving in a way which was thoroughly upsetting.

“I have no option but to impose a custodial sentence on you.”

Couper was jailed for 16 months and given a community order to run until further order.