Newbury's Tim Jeffery is on a mission to wake the British public up to the value of sport shooting.

The 26-year-old is a two-time Paralympian and has graced four World Championships yet is still the youngest shooter on the British para squad.

With the hope of inspiring a new generation of stars to follow in his footsteps, Jeffery now works closely with British Shooting to help dispel any myths around the sport and nurture young athletes.

"I want to change the perception of shooting to outsiders and show the sport for how great it is," he said.

"Yes, it involves firearms but it is such a safe sport and the discipline it teaches people creates a lifelong skill.

"Sports shooting is such a physically and mentally taxing sport regardless of what it looks like.

"Every time I took a shot during that Paralympic final, I had to have my rifle within point five of a millimetre whilst my heart rate was easily at about 120 beats per minute.

"That is incredibly physically demanding so I want to get the sport out there so people can have a go and come to understand it and love it."

Jeffery first picked up a rifle aged 11 with the Scout Association and has been unable to put one down since.

Born with just one hand, he was set on proving to everyone that he could hold and fire a rifle that was almost bigger than him.

Now with a packed sporting CV including the Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, Jeffery continues to relish the early moments of his career that led him on the path to success.

"Two moments really stand out in my career," he said.

"The first would have to be my first World Cup gold medal in Sydney, Australia in 2015.

"My brother was travelling around Australia at the time and so was there to watch it so I got to share my first World Cup gold with him on the opposite side of the world.

"That is such a special moment that I will always look back on so fondly.

"The second would have to be Tokyo because, although I didn't medal, I made and got a personal best in all of my finals.

"There were so many positive experiences at that Paralympics."

Jeffery is one of over 1,000 elite athletes on UK Sport’s National Lottery-funded World Class Programme, allowing him to train full time, have access to the world’s best coaches and benefit from pioneering medical support – this is vital for his pathway to the Paris 2024 Games.

With the Paris 2024 Paralympics only one year away, the Games are set to inspire people and communities all across the country. Jeffery hopes that by sharing his story it will give others motivation to get involved into sport.

Jeffery will look for further success at the World Championships in Lima this September before setting his heart on a third Paralympic Games in Paris.

And having made all three of his finals in Tokyo, the hunt for a medal this time round is on.

"At Paris next year, hopefully I'll be on that podium," he said.

"A the same time, my goals are to go out there and be the best that I can be.

"If that's good enough to get me on a podium then I'll be thrilled but if it's not, I can't change that. I strive to do my best and that will be enough every time.

"My performances have been improving at majors over the past few years and I'd like to go to Paris and hit my goals that are not reliant on everyone's performances.

"I can only control what I do and that's what I'm focusing on."

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