A vape seller in Southampton has questioned how the government plans to ban the use of disposable vapes.

Ministers are said to be drawing up plans to ban disposable vapes – also known as single-use vapes – as early as this month.

This is due to the environmental and health impacts they pose, with authorities warning single-use vapes can become a fire hazard when disposed of incorrectly.

With calls for the e-cigarette to be banned across the UK, a vape seller in Southampton has considered what impact it could have on the industry.

READ MORE: Littered single-use vapes can cause fires, council warns

Ethan Mendelsohn, 21, of Soton Fogger Vape Shop on Above Bar Street, told the Echo: “There is a massive epidemic of under 18-year-olds buying disposable vapes so, if the government’s initiative is to stop that then I understand.

“But if the plan is to wipe them out across the board, then I think it makes less sense.”

He added: “The problem isn’t with the main retailers as Trading Standards are quite strict, it’s more with off-licences who will sell illegal vapes to teenagers knowing they’ll buy them – like an oversized Elux Legend vape, which I warn customers can be dangerous because it’s not regulated.”

The Department of Health and Social Care has warned they’re ‘concerned’ about the rise of youth vaping.

A spokesperson told the Echo: “We are concerned about the rise in youth vaping and the environmental impact of disposable vapes.

“That is why we launched a call for evidence to identify opportunities to reduce the number of children accessing and using vaping products.”

Mr Mendelsohn argued the marketing of single-use vapes was to blame for the rise in children getting access to the products.

He said: “I think the brightly colour packaging attracts children to different flavours – and you could arguably say the same thing with alcohol – so that could be looked at.

“Ultimately, vaping is a better alternative to smoking tobacco for adults so if they’re taken out of circulation that could have a real negative impact.

“It’s like telling a farmer that you can’t sell cow’s milk – you can sell something else, but half of your industry has gone.”