Residents are up in arms over piles of rubbish which keep getting dumped outside an abandoned pub.

Those living on Newbury Road fear constant fly-tipping by The Shield and Dagger at the junction with Stratton Road may lead to a fire.

The rubbish extends to the back of the property, which is next door to Christine Walsh's back garden.

The 58-year-old said: “If there is a fire because of all of this rubbing then the back of our house could catch fire.

“It’s an accident waiting to happen.”

Daily Echo: Flytip outside the former pub on Newbury Road

READ MORE: 'Criminal fly-tipping gang' behind asbestos and rubbish trail dumped on road

The issue has been ongoing for the last two years, with no end in sight.

Darren Beckett, 55, has lived in the area for 32 years.

He said: “Someone started chucking stuff there one day and then all of a sudden other people have started dumping rubbish there.

“They could turn the place into something for the kids to do but instead it just encourages the kids to go in there and smash the place up.

“We have reported to the council four or five times this year and I was told they couldn’t do anything about it because it was private property.

“They said they had served a 28-day notice on the landlord.”

Rubbish had been previously cleared but in the last few months, more has accumulated.

A spokesperson for Southampton City Council said: “The land is privately owned and as such is the landowner’s responsibility.

“Southampton City Council has had no responses to the various written requests to the landowner asking them to clear and secure the site. 

“A notice has been served on the landowner, which they have appealed and we are waiting for the matter to be heard in court.”

When contacted by the Echo, the landlord of the property said: “The fly-tipping has been cleared previously but it continues to happen.”

They added: “It’s a law and order issue.”