A disqualified motorist is due back in court for a string of driving offences.

Vasjan Borici, 31, was caught behind the wheel of a Ford Focus on August 21 despite being disqualified. 

He was also found to be driving with a child in the back, aged between three and 13, who was not wearing a seatbelt. 

The incident took place at Southampton General Hospital on Tremona Road.

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Appearing at Southampton Magistrates' Court, Borici, of Oxford Street, Southampton pleaded guilty to four offences. 

He admitted driving without insurance, driving without a licence and driving whilst disqualified. 

He also pleaded guilty to driving with a child passenger not wearing a seat belt. 

The case was adjourned for a pre-sentence report to be produced.

Borici was bailed to appear at the same court on October 31 for sentencing.