A shoplifter stole more than £100 worth of items including biscuits, magazines and toilet rolls in a spree of incidents spanning three months. 

Catherine Vine of Ash Close, Hythe stole £118 worth of stock from Tesco and One Stop in Hythe. 

In three separate incidents that took place between May 5 and July 16, 2023, the 55-year-old stole laundry products, toilet rolls, stickers, magazines, soft drinks, biscuits and crisps.

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Appearing at Southampton Magistrates' Court she admitted three counts of theft from a shop. 

She also admitted failing to surrender to police/court bail and possessing a controlled drug of Class B, namely cannabis. 

Vine was ordered to pay £118 in compensation to the shops she stole from. 

She was also fined £40 for failing to surrender. 

An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.