A Southampton school which has been described as a “beacon” for the area has received a new rating by Ofsted.

Redbridge Community School on Cuckmere Lane was rated ‘Good’ following an inspection on July 12 and 13.

Inspectors noted that pupils were “proud to attend” the school.

The report said: “The school is an important beacon in the local area with a strong sense of community.

“Pupils respond well to the values of aspiration, excellence, respect and opportunity which permeate the school.

"They feel well cared for and safe because staff are always available to talk about their worries."

READ MORE: Teachers and pupils celebrate fourth Outstanding Ofsted

The school allows strong relationships to be built which in turn, allows pupils to feel at home, the report found.

It said: “Strong relationships are the bedrock of the school. One pupil said, ‘The school is like another little home.’"

Pupils were described as polite and bullying is "rare" at the secondary school.

The report said: “Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ learning and conduct. Pupils are welcoming, polite and courteous.

“Bullying is rare and always followed up. Staff want the very best for their pupils. They celebrate pupils’ achievements regularly.

“Pupils respond by behaving well and being respectful of each other. They collaborate well, enjoy each other’s company and celebrate each other’s differences.”

READ MORE: 'Inadequate' nursery given new rating by Ofsted

The school’s curriculum was described as “innovative” and “designed to meet the needs and aspirations of pupils”.

The report said: “Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to learn and in what order.

“Most teachers have strong subject knowledge. They choose topics and activities carefully to motivate and engage pupils. Most pupils build their knowledge and skills effectively over time.”

On one occasion, one parent told inspectors that the school had “brought out the best in my child”.

The school was also rated outstanding in the personal development category.

Headteacher Jason Ashley said: “As you can imagine we are pleased with the Ofsted report, which is a credit to our students, staff, parents and the local community. Rightly, they deserve the recognition.

“Additionally, to have the personal development graded as Outstanding is a validation of our ambition to get the very best for our students at the school.”