A commemorative service has been organised for the 60 people who have died in Southampton since 2020.

On Wednesday, November 1, friends and family members, as well as representatives from hostels, charities and Southampton City Council will gather together to mark their respects for the people, many of whom won’t have had the means to have their own funeral.

Bishop of Southampton Debbie Sellin will speak at the special service being held at Saint Mary’s Church. 

Organiser of the service, Pam Campbell, said: “We have taken time this year to collect all the names of people who have died since the pandemic started.

“We will read out all the names of those who have died and share life stories of some of the individuals as part of the service.

“My thanks to all the agencies involved in compiling the list.

“Our greatest sadness is that the list has grown longer as we’ve been in the throes of planning it.”

Art pieces from a recent school competition themed on homelessness will be included in a special commemorative booklet.

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Paul Woodman, Leader from City Life Church, said: “This service gives us the opportunity to remember those who have died, as well as to pray and commit ourselves to act to tackle homelessness.

“Thank you to all the organisations that are contributing to the service itself but more importantly to reduce the risk of someone dying in our city while homeless.”

Earlier this year, figures from the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities showed that the number of rough sleepers in the city hit 27 in the autumn last year, up from nine the year before.

The non-denominational commemoration service at St Mary’s Church will take place from 11am to 12pm.

The service will include a choir performance, artwork, poetry, and a commemorative act to remember those who have died.

Refreshments will be served after the service. There will also be a donation point where you can give to charities working with people at risk of homelessness in the city.