A resident has called for action to remove a burnt out campervan that's been sat on a Southampton street for nearly three weeks.

Beverley Goddard, 64, director of tool company Lawson HIS Ltd, first noticed the abandoned vehicle round the corner from her office on Empress Road nearly three weeks ago.

The following morning, Beverley noticed the campervan hadn’t moved and had also been set on fire, reporting the incident to the council.

But three weeks on, no action has been taken and the vehicle remains on the road.

She told the Echo: “I first noticed the van on October 6, since then I’ve contacted the council three times, Environmental Health, and National Highways, but nobody seems to know anything.

“It’s so frustrating as something needs to be done.

“It’s around the corner from our office and large lorries often need to come in and out – as well as to Aldi – and it’s in the way.”

Daily Echo:

Beverley also noted that it’s not only the campervan that’s been damaged, but also the road itself.

She added: “There’s visible fire damage to the vehicle.

“I don’t know who abandoned it or who set fire to it, but it’s been set fire to more than once.

“The fire hasn’t only damaged the van but also the road underneath.

“We can’t be the only people who have complained, more needs to be done to resolve the issue.”

Two cones and a barrier have been placed around the vehicle, which Beverley says "makes the area look untidy".

She added: “I just think the length of time seems too long as well, how nobody could have come down and removed the vehicle in nearly a month I don’t know.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for Southampton City Council said: “The council are in the process of removing the vehicle.

“An alternative contractor was required to carry out the removal. A contractor has been identified and the quote is being approved.”