A disqualified motorist has been given another ban after he drove with a child not wearing a seatbelt. 

Vasjan Borici, 31, was caught behind the wheel of a Ford Focus with a child in the back who was not wearing a seatbelt. 

The incident took place at Southampton General Hospital on Tremona Road. 

He had already been banned from driving prior to the incident on August 21.

READ MORE: Southampton banned driver drove child without seatbelt

Borici, of Oxford Street, Southampton pleaded guilty to four charges including driving without insurance, driving without a licence and driving whilst disqualified. 

He also admitted to driving with a child passenger aged between three and 13 not wearing a seatbelt.

Now he has been given a further driving ban for six months as well as a community order. 

The order, put in place by Southampton Magistrates' Court, will last until October 2024 and includes 100 hours of unpaid work. 

Borici must also pay a £114 surcharge by November 28.