The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

TIMOTHY MCCARTHY, 34, of Epsom High Street, Epsom pleaded guilty to drink driving on Bitterne Road West, Southampton. He was caught with 77 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. McCarthy was banned from driving for 17 months and fined £669. He must pay court costs of £85 plus a £268 surcharge. 

ALEX BRYANT, 23, of Dockdell Copse, Bursledon pleaded guilty to driving without insurance on Hamble Lane, Southampton. They were driving a Ford Focus. Bryant also admitted to failing to stop when required by a constable or traffic warden. They were fined £200 and received six points on his licence. Byrant must also pay £85 court costs plus an £80 surcharge. 

CLIVE JOYCE, 66, of Kent Street, Southampton pleaded guilty to failing to comply with the sex offenders register notification requirements in that he failed to register annually. Joyce was fined £53 and must pay court costs of £85 plus a £21 surcharge. 

Read our previous round-up here

ANDREW HENBEST, 37, of Desborough Road, Eastleigh admitted a single charge of theft from a shop after half a leg of lamb worth between £10 and £15 was stolen from Sainsbury's in Eastleigh. He was ordered to pay £15 compensation.

EUAN STYLES, 18, of Whalesmead Road, Bishopstoke pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention in a Vauxhall Corsa on Above Bar Street, Southampton. He was fined £106 and received five points on his licence. Styles must also pay £110 court costs and a £42 surcharge. 

SURJEET ROATH, 34, of Cranbury Avenue, Southampton admitted driving whilst disqualified on Commercial Road, Southampton. He was fined £230 and received six points on his licence. Roath must also pay £85 court costs plus a £92 surcharge. 

MICHAEL WALLACE, 61, of Onslow Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to possessing a controlled drug of Class B, namely cannabis. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drug. Wallace must pay an £80 fine, £85 court costs and a £32 surcharge.