A man on the run from police was found ‘tangled in a washing line’.

Officers on patrol in Southampton spotted a male wanted for robbery.

He ran off and police followed. What they described as a ‘game of hide and seek’ ensued before the man was discovered in a back garden, tangled in a washing line.

Officers detained and arrested the man who has since been charged.

Another wanted man was caught in an unlikely place.

He was spotted on a bicycle in the city centre.

Despite evading officers, intelligence revealed a likely place the man could be located.

After attending a residential apartment block in St Mary’s, the male was found hiding on a shelf in a communal area.

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He was arrested on recall to prison and also taken to custody.

A spokesperson from Hampshire Constabulary said on Saturday morning: “The message remains strong within the city centre as always. Police will not tolerate anti-social behaviour, shoplifting, and drug use in the city.

“Those involved in these activities will be apprehended and prosecuted.

“There is zero tolerance.

“As always neighbourhood policing is centred around the communities and those who live within it.

“If you have any information or concerns, please contact 101 or send us information on the Hampshire Constabulary website.”