A "lunar halo" has been spotted in the night sky above Southampton.

The ring around the moon was caused by the refraction of moonlight from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere.

One of the people who spotted it on Saturday night was Mark Johnson, 38, of Primrose Road, Southampton.

He looked up and saw the moon surrounded by a ring of light.

Mr Johnson, self-employed, said: "I was on my way to the shop, walking towards Burgess Road from Coronation Road, when I saw it. I always look up at the sky, even during the day.

"I wasn't sure exactly what it was - I'd never seen anything like it before."

A Met Office spokesperson added: "The halo is caused by ice crystals formed in high clouds.

"These ice crystals then refract the light from the moon or sun.

"As the ice crystals travel lower, precipitation becomes more likely. In summer months particularly, the Halo can be a sign of approaching storms."