A man has been assaulted outside the main entrance to a school in Shirley.

On Friday, November 24 – at approximately 2.30pm – officers received reports that a man in his 30s was assaulted by a woman outside of the main entrance to Regents Park Community College on King Edward Avenue.

The victim sustained minor injuries to his lip, face, and head as a result of the incident.

Officers investigating this incident have been following a number of lines of enquiry.

They are now appealing to anyone who was in the area at the time and saw what happened, who may have information that could help the police find out what happened.

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In a statement, a spokesperson for Hampshire Police said: “Throughout the course of our enquiries we have arrested a 31-year-old woman from Southampton on suspicion of assault.

“She has been released from police custody on conditional bail while our investigation continues.”

They added: “We believe there are likely to have been a number of witnesses in the area at the time who have not yet spoken to police.

“Perhaps you were walking nearby at the time and saw what happened or were driving though the area and have dash cam footage which may have captured something?

“Anyone with any information that may assist our enquiries is asked to call 101 quoting reference 44230481535.”