Northam neighbours who became caught up in a police search for a mother missing since 2019 have spoken out.

Police have been searching a flat in Parsonage Road as part of their investigation into the disappearance of Joanne Sheen from Southampton.

Yesterday morning, two police cars and a van from Hampshire Police Federation were seen outside the flat.

The mother-of-three was last seen travelling from Fareham to Southampton with a friend on December 5, 2019, and was reported missing in February 2020.

READ MORE: Flat searched by police over Jo Sheen's disappearance

One Parsonage Road resident, Naheed Ali, who has lived on the road with her family since 2019, said: “We have seen many police cars up and down the road the past few days.

“That home being searched is nothing but trouble.

“People have been seen in the street shouting and fighting – it is no good for the decent people and families that live here.

“It was reported to the council that the property causes problems for the entire street."

Daily Echo: Joanne SheenPolice are still treating Joanne’s disappearance as a murder investigation but added they are keeping an open mind as to what has happened to her.

This latest search was sparked by new intelligence received by officers investigating the case.

READ MORE: Who is missing Southampton woman Joanne Sheen?

Earlier this year, a large-scale search of Southampton Water did not yield any results.

Another Parsonage Road resident, that lives very close to the property but wanted to remain unnamed, said: “This house causes so many problems for the people that live on this street.

“We have so many new families here and they don’t deserve to live near this.”

Daily Echo: But other residents said they are not at all concerned and feel very safe living in the area.

Renu Renu has lived on Parsonage Road for four years.

She said: “On the first day the police were searching the property, a police lady came and warned us that police will be in the area so that we were not worried.

“We feel very safe here.”

No arrests have been made in relation to the search of the property on Parsonage Road, a police spokesman confirmed.