A Southampton mum with type one diabetes "feels sick" looking at old photos after losing more than five stone.

Teaching assistant, Emma Trayhorn, 43, has gone from 19st, 9.5lbs to 14st, 0.5lbs in less than two years.

By losing weight she has been able to “run around the playground with the children at the school” – something she was not able to do before.

She added: “I was a 41-year-old woman with type one diabetes, and I was desperate to find a way to lose weight whilst still enjoying food.

"Now, I can run up the stairs without getting out of breath and I can walk with no back pain at all."

Emma joined the West End Slimming World group with consultant Kay Godwin in January of 2022.

She said: “Week one was a hard one for me, cutting out all my favourites like crisps, dips and pastry foods - but I fought and got through it.

“Then it got easier every week. Soon after, I didn’t miss my crisps and pastries because I could replace them with healthier options.

“Slimming World changed the way I food shop.

“Instead of having lots of easy grab foods such as pork pies, crisps and chocolate in my trolley I fill it full of fruit, veg, salad, lean meats, eggs and fish."

Kay and the rest of the group were so impressed with Emma’s journey that in 2023, they named her 'woman of the year' at her West End group.

Last year, Emma had a diabetic seizure as, after losing so much weight, her insulin dose needed adjusting.

She said: “It’s been a rocky road to finally get my insulin under control with lots of phone calls to the diabetic team and hospital stays but I will say it has all been worth it.

“Don’t get me wrong I’ve had my struggles but with the excellent support of Kay and sticking to the group each week has given me the strength to carry on.

“Almost at my target goal, I am the happiest in my own body than I have been in many years.”