A disqualified driver has been banned again after crashing into a police car.

Officers pursued Henry Cox as he drove a Ford Transit flatbed along Eastbourne Avenue, Gosport, on May 6 this year after failing to stop.

Posting on social media, Gosport Police said Cox, 18, of St Vincent Road, continued to drive at speed.

They added; "He cut corners before driving into the path of a police car coming in the opposite direction, colliding with the vehicle and causing substantial damage.

"Cox then left the truck near St Vincent College and fled the scene.

"Following the incident, he was charged with dangerous driving, driving without insurance, driving whilst disqualified, and possessing cannabis."

Cox appeared at Portsmouth Magistrates' Court on November 8 and was convicted of all the offences.

Appearing at the city's crown court today (Friday) he received a two-year driving ban and was ordered to take a retest. 

He was also handed a two-year community order which requires him to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and 30 days of rehabilitation activities. He was also ordered to pay £500 costs.