A pub on the edge of the New Forest is seeking consent to retain its outdoor stage and bar.

The Traveller's Rest at Hart Hill, Hythe, has submitted a retrospective application to the district council.

The application says a new leaseholder has taken over the pub and is seeking to enhance the business.

It adds that the stage gives the impression of rural, barn-type building that reflects the site's countryside location.

"Both stage and bar are located on the opposite side of the pub from the residential properties on Hart Hill and no issues have been raised by nearby residents with the management."

Referring to problems faced by pubs before and after the pandemic it says: "The hospitality industry has been suffering.

"The retention of the outdoor bar and stage will enhance the business and the wider Waterside area, providing a unique entertainment venue."

The application says the proposal complies with a planning policy that seeks to retain existing employment sites in the countryside.