A FATHER-of-seven convicted of horrific sex offences against a young girl was branded a danger to the public as he began an indefinite sentence behind bars.

Patrick Keogh, 39, was told he would spend a minimum of eight years in jail before he would be considered for parole.

Judge John Boggis QC condemned Keogh, pictured, as "a dangerous predator"who represented a serious risk to young girls.

Jurors heard he had threatened to kill his victim if she told anyone about what he had done.

"These offences are absolutely despicable and the psychological damage to her will be profound and long lasting. Children must be protected from you."

Keogh, of Croydon Close, Lordshill, Southampton, had been convicted at the city crown court on six counts of rape, indecency with a child, sexual assault and inciting a girl to engage in sexual activity.

He denied the offences and the judge said he still contested the convictions, which represented a breach of trust.

In addition to the jail sentence, he was also placed on the sex offenders' register, banned from working with children and told he must not be in the same house with a child under 16 without the prior approval of police.

Keogh had also been committed for sentence for burglary and taking a tipper truck without consent after he got into a compound on a Millbrook trading estate, grabbed the keys as well as a bottle of wine from the site office and drove the vehicle away.

He told police he had intended to drive to London to get drugs but went to his girlfriend's home where he scored.

He was jailed for 18 months for those offences and had a four month suspended sentence activated.

All the sentences run concurrently.

In mitigation, Robert Grey said Keogh had no previous convictions for sex offences and he had been an addict since 1991.