The organisers of Southampton's Christmas market are inviting people to drop off an item of food to help families in crisis.

The use of foodbanks has risen considerably this year, and as Christmas is a time of giving any additional food donations will be greatly received.

Southampton's Christmas market is supporting Southampton City Mission with its festive food appeal by holding a collection point at the market.

Chris Thompson from S&D Leisure said: "The Christmas market is all about people having fun and getting into the spirit of the season.

"Sadly, for some, Christmas is a time of added pressure, especially for those reliant on food banks for support. If every visitor to the market brought even just one item of food to give, it would make a huge difference to the charity and the recipients. Please give generously."

The Echo is also supporting the food bank through our Boost the Bank campaign.

Many regular larder items are urgently needed, including tinned meat, fish, and tinned vegetables, tea, coffee and hot chocolate, UHT milk, rice pudding and custard, cook in sauces and canned items such as curry, stew, pies etc.

All tins or packets of food for the charity can be left at the food bank collection point until December 20 at PIZZAMO pizza stand at the Christmas market (Bargate end) opposite the children's fun house.