Planning chiefs are studying a proposal to convert a former bank that has stood empty since it closed in July last year.

Husan Saidov is asking the New Forest National Park Authority (NPA) for permission to turn the old Lloyds building in Lyndhurst High Street into a shop and three flats.

Online planning documents relating to the application include a parish briefing note written by an NPA officer.

It says: "The building, which is one of the largest in this part of the High Street, was formerly used as a bank, with offices at first-floor level and a two-bedroom flat on the second floor.

"The application seeks permission to use the ground floor as a shop and create three flats, each with two bedrooms, on the upper floors.

"Additions to the rear of the building would be achieved by extending a projecting gable further out over an existing first-floor terrace which covers a single-storey addition, originally the bank safe, and infilling the section between the gable and the stairwell at the western end."

A design and access statement that accompanies the application says the scheme aims to "avoid and limit" any impact on neighbours.

It adds that the building's timber window frames are worn and will be replaced by "bespoke" versions that match the existing ones.

"The front elevation material and form will be retained and made good, including any features of historic significance."