An Audi has been seized and its driver reported after the car was seen undertaking vehicles and ignoring lane closures on the M27. 

The blue Audi S3 was stopped by officers at about 5.20pm last Monday (January 8) after it was spotted ignoring red X symbols on the motorway near Whiteley. 

It was also reported that it had undertaken vehicles at speed. 

Officers found that a Section 59 warning had been issued to the driver last year.

READ MORE: M3 speeder and drug driver among those at Southampton court

These warnings can be issued for drivers and their vehicles for up to 12 months for driving in a manner which causes alarm, distress or annoyance.

The driver, a 19-year-old man from Fareham, has also been reported for driving without due care and attention.

It comes as the police have been working with Fareham Borough Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner to target the anti-social use of vehicles in the area. 

A spokesperson said: "The issue of a Sec 59 warning could incur an increase in insurance premiums or even your policy being cancelled."