Plans to replace "untidy" conifer bushes with a garden wall have been thrown out for the second time.

Rebecca Farmery appealed after an application relating to a property in Hemming Close, Totton, was rejected by New Forest District Council in May 2023.

But a government-appointed planning inspector has upheld the council's decision.

The inspector's report says: "The main issue is the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the surrounding area.

"The site is a reasonably prominent feature in public views.

"There are some examples of relatively high fences and walls in the surrounding area. However, the majority of properties have low-level brick walls fronting the highway, with taller planting providing screening as required.

"The few examples of higher fences and walls do not therefore change the surrounding area’s distinctive open character."

The report said the proposed wall would be "prominent and dominating".

"Rather than respecting or contributing positively to the locality’s visual quality, it would erode the area’s open, consistent nature."