A well-known New Forest pub is seeking consent to turn part of its "underused" dining area into four guest bedrooms.

The Walhampton Arms near Lymington has submitted an application to the New Forest National Park Authority.

It comes after outbuildings on the site were converted into guest rooms in 2017.

The latest application cites a "general decline in rural pub trade" and says the proposed conversion represents a more sustainable use of existing floor space.

It adds: "Whilst the main restaurant use is to be retained, it is currently substantially underused.

"The reduction in dining area will be better aligned with current trading patterns whilst still providing more than adequate dining facilities for local patrons and guests staying at the Walhampton.

"Provision of the additional four guestrooms will strengthen the business revenue stream, securing its long-term viability.

"Consideration has been given to the impact the proposals may have on the Heritage Asset.

"The site has undergone many alterations since the original 1977 change of use from farm to public house/restaurant.

"This proposal seeks to convert part of the existing restaurant area into guest bedrooms in a plan form that will restore part of the original courtyard.

"No harm will be caused to the character and setting of the listed building.

"The proposals will increase the number of guestrooms, ensuring the longer-term viability of an established business and safeguarding the future of this historic asset."