Eight months on from a shocking incident which saw a man stabbed in the neck and six teens arrested, here is the latest with the police investigation.

Police were called out on the afternoon of Monday, June 19, 2023, following reports of a serious assault on Burgoyne Road, near to Hightown Primary School.

Two days later, two 18-year-old men, two 15-year-old boys, a 14-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy, all from Southampton, were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

All six were released from police custody on conditional bail to allow for further enquiries to continue.

The incident left residents of Thornhill shocked - and to curb their fears, officers authorised a Section 60 order across the local area.

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This meant that officers could search anyone in that area without "reasonable grounds" so that any bladed articles could be confiscated by the police.

Speaking at the time of the incident, District Commander, Superintendent Phil Lamb, said: "My officers completed 28 searches while the Section 60 powers were enforced across the city.

"I want to thank the local community for their cooperation, patience, and understanding during this time, as we understand that this incident will have caused significant concern.

“We ensured that there was an increased high-visibility police presence in the area following the incident, and in speaking with a number of members of the community, we believe that this has helped to offer further reassurance that we treat incidents like this very seriously.”

On September 3, 2023, police confirmed that one of the 18-year-old men had been released pending no further action.

On October 25, 2023, Hampshire police said that four of those arrested had now been released from the investigation with no further action to be taken against them.

The remaining two – a 17-year-old, 16 at the time of arrest, and 15-year-old – remained on conditional police bail while police enquiries continued.

As of February 16, 2024, only the 17-year-old remains on bail.