A teenage boy with a knife entered the grounds of a college with a knife, according to a report made to police.

Police were alerted to the incident at 1.40pm today to reports that a teenage boy with a knife had entered Wyvern College grounds on Botley Road in Fair Oak.

It was reported to the police that he then left the site.

According to the force, officers remained on site to carry out enquiries and to provide reassurance.

No arrests have been made, police have said.

Headteacher Ben Rule wrote to parents today regarding the incident.

In the letter, Mr Rule said that police were called to manage two students from other schools who came to the site without permission.

According to Mr Rule, they were quickly spotted and supervised and after they refused to leave when told by staff the police were called.

Police were called but before officers arrived, the two students had run off. 

Once officers arrived they searched the premises and remained at the scene until the end of the day to ensure the individuals did not return.

In the letter to parents, the headteacher went on: "This incident shows the importance of the security measures we are currently having installed at the front of the college site: permitter fencing and security gates. 

"We will also be putting additional staffing on supervisory duty to ensure that should there be a recurrence then we will be able to identify and manage the situation as quickly as we were able to today.

"We understand that in circumstances like these, it can be tempting to speculate but this does generate misinformation which can unduly alarm students and parents. 

"We therefore thank [you] in advance for managing this information responsibly."

No arrests have been made, police have said.