There is no quick fix for the growing list of problems for a major new development near Winchester where more than 3,000 new homes are being built.

A Winchester City Council forum heard from the developer and implementation officer for North Whiteley with an update regarding the bus service and Whiteley Way roadworks, plus discussing ideas about how the forum moves forward.

It also heard about uncertain speed limits, road signage, bus services, play parks not being ready and a secondary school not being built, with residents voicing their frustrations.

Building work for the major development, north of Whiteley, is still being carried out but once complete, it will be made up of around 3,500 homes, two primary schools, a secondary school, retail and community centre and significant highway improvements.

Some 3,102 homes (87 per cent of the expected total) have currently been granted planning permission and 1,983 have been started said Jeff Davies, a consultant on the scheme. The council previously said a total of 906 of those already built are now being lived in and the extension to Bluebell Way is complete and opened to through traffic to the Botley Road.

Whiteley Way and Curdridge Way are currently being built and will link Whiteley town with Botley Road to the North. 

Philip Gibbs, a nine-month resident in North Whiteley, asked when the roads would be adopted and wanted clarity on what speed he should be travelling and when the road signs would arrive.

He said the roads in Whiteley need to be adopted by Hampshire County Council so that rules like traffic speeds can be monitored and enforced. 

Jeff Davies responded that while roads still have construction traffic travelling on them the roads cannot be adopted nor will proper traffic signs be put up.

Currently, there are a number of signs 10mph, 20mph and 30mph. He said they would like everyone to travel 20mph and all other signs will be removed or covered up.

There was also a request for sign posting for things like Tesco was put forward as residents are getting lost.

An update was also given on the schools being built.

The first primary school on site was built and opened in 2021, but the secondary school has yet to gain planning permission.

It was reported that Hampshire County Council is very closely monitoring the occupancy of Whiteley to decide when something needs to be done. 

The plan is for it to open in 2027.

Councillor Hugh Lumby (Con, Hampshire County Council) reported that the building of a special needs school had been agreed.