The jury has retired to consider its verdict in the trial of five men accused of murdering Mark Noke at his Southampton flat.

Jurors were sent out just before 1pm on Wednesday after weeks of evidence at Winchester Crown Court.

Five men: Justin Roach, 40, of Steep Close; Keiran Claffey, 29, of Keynsham Road; Aaron Morgan, 32, of Bursledon Road; Bradley O'Dell, 22, of West Park Road and Leighton Tabone, 24, of no fixed address, deny murder and manslaughter.

Morgan, O’Dell, Roach and Tabone also deny conspiracy to rob but Claffey has already pleaded guilty to this charge.

The court was previously told how five masked men had gone to Mr Noke's Warburton Road flat after taking a wrong turn during a plot to rob drugs and cash. 

Daily Echo: Mark Noke.Mark Noke. (Image: Hampshire Police)

The prosecution says the 64-year-old opened the door and was threatened with a gun before being stabbed in the chest. 

Mark Noke made a call to 999 and told the operator he had been stabbed after some unknown men entered his flat, jurors have been told.

He was later declared dead at the scene. 

The trial began on January 18 with four of the five defendants giving evidence in front of the jury. 

Leighton Tabone has not attended the trial and elected to remain at the prison instead. 

Keiran Claffey, who has been accused by O'Dell and Morgan of stabbing Mark Noke, has told jurors he was just a lookout during the incident at Warburton Road. 

Aaron Morgan told the jury he did not go into the flat and was stood down the hall, while Bradley O'Dell also said he stood outside and ran as soon as Mr Noke opened the door. 


Giving evidence, Justin Roach said he was never involved in the plot and was instead at home taking drugs. 

The jury was previously told how the intended target of the alleged robbery had been posting photos of valuables such as watches and cash on social media. 

The prosecution saysa plot was devised to rob the individual who lived in the same block of flats as Mark Noke. 

Representing Roach, Nick Haggan KC said on Monday: "Mark Noke, a completely innocent man, lost his life in the most dreadful of circumstances."

The trial continues.