Fareham Borough Council councillors are backing a proposal to build a padel tennis centre at Park Lane Recreation Ground.

Padel tennis, often referred to as a hybrid of tennis and squash, is quickly gaining popularity across the globe. 

Padel4All, a UK operator of covered padel centres, has proposed the development and funding of an accessible, four-court facility on the open space at the recreation ground.

The design involves utilising existing facilities of Fareham Leisure Centre, such as parking, the café, and changing rooms.

Padel4All would fully fund the scheme at no upfront costs to the Council, who would also receive a share of centre revenues and rental income as the landowner.

Proposals have received the Council’s support, after submitting a financial model and plans for considerations. However, future building work would be subject to public consultation, the usual planning processes and legal considerations. 

Councillor Sue Walker, executive member for leisure and community at Fareham Borough Council, said: "Fareham is quickly becoming known for its wide range of leisure and community facilities, so am not surprised that Padel4All has identified it as a potential location to set up a padel tennis centre.

"While nothing is set in stone at this stage, I am delighted to support this exciting proposal in principal and look forward to hearing what residents think."

A detailed report can be found on the council's website.