Dramatic photographs show the aftermath of a fire that ravaged a warehouse in Southampton.

The building was devastated by the blaze on Wednesday afternoon, with around 100 firefighters tackling the flames.

The warehouse, home to Polystar Plastics in Melbourne Street, has been gutted by the fire.

Photos taken at the scene show the extent of the destruction with an investigation underway to determine the cause of the fire.

Group manager Mark White, who was incident commander at the scene today, told the Echo work to extinguish the blaze will continue throughout the day.

Daily Echo: Group manager Mark WhiteGroup manager Mark White (Image: Newsquest)

He said: “We’re continuing to apply water to the hotspots, some of which are quite deep seated because of the nature of the storage of the plastic that's within the warehouse.

“We're likely to be here all day as a minimum because of the nature of the storage.

“As I said, it's proving difficult to actually get to the seat of the fire at the moment, of which there are many.”

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